Porn may be Harmful to the Teenage Brain, and Adults Need to Find Ways to Keep it Away

Porn Addiction

Summary: Easy access to porn has emerged as a significant threat to the mental well-being of children and young adults. Children exposed to porn at an early age are more likely to be addicted to porn as adults and have compulsive behavior. In addition, studies suggest that porn addiction causes changes in the brain, the remainder of drug addiction. It means that if porn addiction in children is not controlled, it may result in some permanent changes in their brains, making them susceptible to compulsive behavior and even drug addiction as adults.

Be it drugs, violence, compulsive behavior, or addiction to porn. Researchers now know that different addictions are interrelated. They lead to similar kinds of changes in the brain. Thus, fighting one kind of addiction would help reduce the risk of another kind of addiction.

In recent years, easy access to porn among teens has emerged as a significant concern. It is frightening to think that even young kids can readily watch porn. Moreover, the impact of porn on young minds is not fully understood yet. Nonetheless, it is evident that young brains are not ready to consume porn, and its unlimited access may only cause harm.

As someone has rightly said, just imagine a situation when a child can go to a candy store 24 hours a day and eat as many candies as they like. It is easy to guess that the end result will not be good. Children still lack that self-control like adults. They have limited understanding of what is good for their health and what is not, and thus they are more likely to follow their impulses.
Once the children are allowed to follow their impulses, it may become their habit. They might get addicted to it.

Now just imagine the situation with porn. It is readily available to kids 24 hours a day. A new survey suggests that 80% of teens have seen porn multiple times. What is worrisome is that studies show that some start watching porn quite early.

Impact Of Porn On The Brain

One of the issues in studying the impact of porn on young brains is that exposing children to porn and then scanning the brains are not allowed by law. It is unethical. It means that carrying out clinical studies on young children is not possible.

Nonetheless, it is possible to analyze the brain of young adults. Researchers have studied the brains of those exposed to porn at a young age. They often grow out as adults that are addicted to porn and have impulsive behavior.

Scans of young adults addicted to porn show that they have brain changes that are quite similar to those found in drug addicts. Their reward pathway has changed. It means they start seeking pleasure or reward from watching porn.

Researchers are indeed confused by a few things. First, they are not sure about how many changes in the brain of these young adults are a result of watching porn. After all, it is pretty likely that some were born with certain traits predisposing them to porn addiction.

Another thing that many people argue is that the human brain lights up when it anticipates anything exciting, from ice cream and videogame to sex. However, this is not the case. Experts explain that the way the brains of those addicted to porn light up is quite different. Their response to exposure to something they are addicted to is much stronger. It means that they gain far more pleasure when exposed to these things.

Simply said, those addicted to porn and living with compulsive behavior have greater activity in the reward centers of the brain when compared to relatively healthy people. In addition, studies suggest that most of them are adults who were exposed to porn at quite a young age. Most started watching porn perhaps in their early teenage years.
In individuals addicted to porn, their brain starts processing emotions faster than they can control impulses.

Experts Recommend Using Tech To Block Porn

Experts recommend that parents should talk to their children about porn, especially if they think that they are viewing porn. Additionally, using various tools to block porn is a good idea. There are many apps that can block adult content or explicit images.

One needs to conduct some research, but finding these tools is pretty simple. Most of these tools are available for free. For example, the Family Link app by google for Android phones can not only block porn but can also help limit screen time and much more. There are such apps for almost every platform.

If you think your child is addicted to porn, it may also be suitable to seek the attention of experts who know how to treat various addictions and manage compulsive behavior through telehealth or telemedicine, keeping your privacy intact.

Gurpreet Singh Padda, MD, MBA, MHP

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